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Amit Arad | Designer | 3D Viz


We excel in producing visually captivating and top-notch content, ensuring a blend of quality and aesthetic appeal in our creations for an impactful and memorable experience.


We offer a range of services encompassing 3D animation, modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, rendering, as well as compositing and visual effects to meet diverse creative and project needs.


Our services cater to various media outlets, including architectural visualization, TV commercials, motion design, video games, advertising, and other diverse platforms.


Let There Be Light: Lighting a 3D Scene
In the realm of 3D art and design, lighting is not just an element; it’s a transformative force,...
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Bringing Ideas to Life: The Power of 3D Visualization in Exhibition Design
In the dynamic world of exhibition design, the advent of 3D visualization technology has marked a significant...
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How AI Extensions Are Impacting the World of CG Design
In recent years, the creative industries have witnessed a significant transformation, thanks in large...
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How it Works

we generate a virtual model by specifying the form, dimensions, and visual characteristics. according to the client technical plans skeches or refs

texturing and shading to achieve a realistic and convincing appearance for  the 3D models. These elements, by incorporating visual intricacies and simulating light and shadows, contribute to the vitality and immersive appeal of the models.

 lighting and rendering shape a compelling, realistic end product. Manipulating light interactions with models and surfaces enables the creation of stunning, lifelike images and animations.

Feel free to contact us for more information about our service Just send us your project details, and discover the way we work.